
Our Programs

Our programs are tailored to cultivate well-rounded development in children. Through a blend of structured learning and hands-on activities, we encourage cognitive, social, and emotional growth. Our focus on personalized attention will help your child develop critical thinking, communication skills, and independence. We strive to spark curiosity, promoting a love for learning that sets a strong foundation for future success.

Infant Room
0 – 1 Years

At A B Childcare, we focus on providing a nurturing and stimulating environment that supports the early developmental stages of infants. Trained caregivers engage in activities that promote sensory exploration, such as soft toy play, gentle music, and colorful visual stimuli. Tummy time is encouraged to help strengthen neck and upper body muscles. We also follow a consistent feeding and nap schedule tailored to each infant’s needs. Building trust and forming secure attachments are paramount, with one-on-one interactions being a priority. The daycare environment ensures a safe space for infants to explore, fostering their cognitive, emotional, and physical development during this crucial stage of early childhood.

cute african american baby girl playing colorful abacus toy at home
Two young toddlers sit on the carpet in a home daycare as they play together with toy animals and blocks. They are each dressed casually as they share and play together quietly.

Toddler A
12 Months – 2 Years

Our focus shifts towards encouraging independence, socialization, and motor skill development. Our caregivers engage toddlers in age-appropriate activities that stimulate their curiosity and creativity. Play areas are enriched with building blocks, art supplies, and interactive toys to enhance fine and gross motor skills. Structured group activities, like circle time and simple games, promote social interaction and language development. We also encourage basic self-help skills, such as feeding themselves and tidying up toys. A routine, including scheduled meals and nap times, provides toddlers with a sense of security and helps establish positive habits. The daycare environment supports the development of toddlers, fostering their emerging personalities in a safe and engaging setting.

Two young toddlers sit on the carpet in a home daycare as they play together with toy animals and blocks. They are each dressed casually as they share and play together quietly.

Toddler B
2 – 3 Years

For children aged 2 to 3 years, we focus on fostering independence, social skills, and cognitive development. Caregivers engage toddlers in a variety of hands-on activities to promote creativity and imagination. Art projects, storytelling, and pretend play encourage language development and self-expression. Structured group activities, including simple games and music sessions, enhance social interaction and cooperation. The environment is designed to support potty training and self-help skills, fostering a sense of accomplishment in the toddlers. Outdoor play is incorporated to develop gross motor skills and allow for physical activity. With a balance of routine and exploration, the daycare setting provides a supportive and stimulating space for toddlers to thrive during this crucial stage of early childhood development.

A group of preschool kids are playing indoors at a daycare center. One boy is lying on the floor and playing with colorful toy blocks.
A multi-ethnic group of daycare children sit close together on the floor, with their legs crossed and their arms around one another, as they pose for a portrait. They are smiling and enjoying their time together.

Preschool A
3 – 4 Years

Caregivers engage preschoolers in age-appropriate educational activities, such as letter and number recognition, basic math concepts, and early literacy exercises. Art projects, imaginative play, and storytelling foster creativity and language development. Social skills are honed through group activities, encouraging collaboration and communication. The curriculum includes a variety of learning centers, from science to arts and crafts, providing a well-rounded educational experience. Emphasis is placed on building a foundation for future academic success while ensuring that learning remains enjoyable and interactive for the preschoolers in a nurturing and supportive daycare environment.

A multi-ethnic group of daycare children sit close together on the floor, with their legs crossed and their arms around one another, as they pose for a portrait. They are smiling and enjoying their time together.

Preschool B
4 – 5 Years

For the children in our Preschool B program, the primary goal is to prepare them for a smooth transition to kindergarten. Caregivers focus on refining cognitive skills through more advanced learning activities, including pre-reading and early math exercises. The curriculum incorporates structured lessons to strengthen letter recognition, pronunciation, and basic math. Creative activities such as art projects, music, and imaginative play continue to foster self-expression and social development. Group activities emphasize cooperation and teamwork, promoting essential social skills. Special attention is given to kindergarten readiness, including routines that mimic a school day, helping children adjust to the structure and expectations of formal education. The daycare environment ensures that preschoolers are well-equipped with the foundational skills and confidence needed for a successful transition to kindergarten and future academic endeavors.

Preschool children playing in classroom.
A female Elementary student of African decent, sits at her desk in class as she works on a writing assignment. She is dressed casually and is looking up from her books to smile. Her peers can be seen seated around her in the background at other desks, working away independently as well.

After School Care
6 – 11 Years

Our focus extends beyond academic enrichment to encompass a balance of recreational and educational activities. Caregivers provide a supportive environment where children can complete homework assignments with assistance if needed. Beyond academics, the after-school program encourages a variety of extracurricular activities, including arts and crafts, sports, and group games, fostering creativity and physical fitness. Opportunities for socialization and peer interaction are emphasized, promoting teamwork and communication skills. Our after school care program serves as a safe and structured space for children to continue their learning journey, explore their interests, and build meaningful connections with peers, contributing to their overall well-being and personal development.

We provide transportation from Adams Elementary, Burton Elementary, Kennedy Elementary, Lincoln Elementary, and South Fork Elementary.

A female Elementary student of African decent, sits at her desk in class as she works on a writing assignment. She is dressed casually and is looking up from her books to smile. Her peers can be seen seated around her in the background at other desks, working away independently as well.

Fabulous Summer Program

(Only available for children in After School Care)

Our program takes advantage of the region’s natural beauty, incorporating outdoor adventures like nature hikes, picnics, and sports to promote physical activity and exploration. Educational components are woven into the program, offering workshops and activities that stimulate curiosity and creativity. With Rexburg’s community spirit in mind, group projects and collaborative initiatives encourage teamwork and social bonding. Specialized summer-themed events and excursions add an element of excitement, creating lasting memories for the children. The program not only ensures a fun-filled summer but also contributes to the development of your children by combining recreation, education, and community engagement.

Preschool children playing in classroom.

Business Hours

Monday – Friday : 6:30 AM – 7 PM

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